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How Tylenol and ibuprofen deplete glutathione & some alternatives to use instead

My goal on this post is not to add one more thing for you to worry about, but rather empower you to research yourself. I will also share some alternatives at the end!


Tylenol (Acetaminophen, Panadol) AND Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Aleve) both deplete glutathione. Glutathione is an internally made antioxidant. It is one of the most important agents in managing detoxification pathways throughout the body. •Why are antioxidants so important? Oxidation is a normal process in the body that happens when we use oxygen to create energy for the cell. The byproduct of oxidation are free radicals which can cause damage to the DNA cells. ANTIoxidants help to neutralize these free radicals so they can’t damage the DNA. But when you take these drugs, it depletes the best line of defense for this neutralization. Anything that depletes glutathione levels will result in increased free radical damage & greater accumulation of toxins in the body (which is why you should NOT give post immunizations - it substantially increases risk of injury). •So what are some better options? We personally as a family do not have tylenol in our home. We keep dye free ibuprofen for extreme cases but I honestly cannot remember the last time I needed it because our alternatives work effectively. Any of the following can be used for: fevers, headaches, joint pain, bumps/bruises, cramps, & so much more. I cannot give personalized medical advice, but I personally use homeopathy and alternative medicine on my children/infants without issue or concern. Do your research.

1. @leefyorganics PRANA turmeric and ginger tonic. Its liquid form makes it far more bioavailable for absorption. Turmeric, ginger, & black pepper combined together have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Use code "PARSONS15" for 15% off your order. Before we had this convenience, I would just make a turmeric ginger tea. Works well too, but my kids will take this way easier!

2. @boironusa arnica cream and arnica pellets. We use the cream for any muscle pain, stiffness, or bruising. The pellets are a lifesaver for fevers or pain related to acute injuries. *This is not medical advice.

How tylenol and ibuprofen deplete glutathione and some alternative to use instead

There are several ways to boost glutathione levels. Nutritional precursors for glutathione synthesis include N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), lipoic acid, selenium and the herb milk thistle.

Boosting Glutathione with Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3

In 1995 a unique strain of probiotic bacteria named Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 (often referred to simply as ME-3) was found to synthesize Glutathione. In a human clinical trial, individuals taking ME-3 gained a remarkable 49% increase in the ratio of reduced to oxidized Glutathione. Hence, products containing Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 have recently attracted world-wide recognition as the fastest and most efficient way to reliably boost Glutathione levels on a daily basis.

Source: Mikelsaar M,Ziler M., lactobacillus Fermentum ME-3 - An antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2009 Apr; 21(1):1-27.

Leefy Dosing:

  • Infants & Toddlers: just a few drops

  • Children >2 years old : ¼-½ of a dropperful

  • Older children and adults: 1-2 dropperfuls

Repeat as needed up to 4 times per day

Arnica Dosing:

  • Infants: dissolve 2-3 pellets i ½ C of filtered water. Take ½-1 tsp as a “dose”. Stir vigorously before each dose.

  • Children and adults: Take 2-3 pellets sublingually

Repeat as needed

How to properly handle homeopathic medication:

1 Comment

Jun 09, 2022

Hi Elizabeth! I was wondering if you have any experience with taking arnica after birth? In what dose would you recommend?

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