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He sees you, mama.

For the mama feeding her baby in the cry room, He sees you

For the mama following her toddler around the foyer so they don’t disturb the sermon with their innocent shrieks and curiosity, He sees you

For the mama who was up all night with sick kids and can only watch online this week, He sees you

For the mama whose quiet time is anything but quiet, but you still come, He sees you

For the mama powering through despite church being in the middle of nap time, He sees you

For the mama who only has 2 outfits to choose from because all you others aren’t nursing friendly, He sees you

For the mama who doesn’t even bother bringing a Bible + notebook during this season, He sees you

For the mama who is preparing busy bags, snacks, bottles, diapers, and wipes on Sunday morning, He sees you

For the mama doing laps at the back of the sanctuary to get your babe to sleep, He sees you

HE SEES YOU, MAMAS. This season of young littles at church is hard. Training young children to learn how to sit and be quiet is hard. Sitting through a whole service without needing to care for a child seems eternities away. It’s a regular occurrence to only catch bits and pieces of the message. Sometimes you wonder if it’s even worth the hassle right now. (Hint: it is). HE SEES YOU. The Lord knows our seasons, ladies. So take heart the next time you have to step out -- that even though the season is difficult -- there is purpose in it. #hardisnotthesamethingasbad

The Lord “tends his flock like a shepherd: He gently leads those that have young.”

Isaiah 40:11


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