Every mama has been there. Going to change a diaper and seeing that painful red, inflamed rash. It’s the worst! Conventional diaper creams often contain things like fragrance, parabens, petroleum, or talc – not something I personally want to be using on my child, especially not in a super sensitive area like that!
Root Cause
The most important thing (besides relieving your little one’s pain) is to address the root cause. Frequent diaper rashes should be taken as a sign that the body is trying to communicate something to you. Whether that’s something environmental or internal. We can treat the symptom all day, but if we don’t address what’s causing the frequent rashes, we’re not truly helping them heal. Some common root causes include (but surely aren’t limited to): sensitivity to chemicals or fragrances in detergent, sensitivity to something you (if you’re breastfeeding) or baby ate (common aggravators are acidic foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, conventional grains, & conventional dairy), chemical laden disposable diapers or wipes, prolonged exposure to a dirty diaper, bacteria or yeast infection, or antibiotic use.
Natural Remedies
After addressing these things, some of my natural remedies for diaper rash include:
Diaper free time (in the sun if possible)
Coconut oil or olive oil with a drop of lavender essential oil
Soothing bath
½ C baking soda, ½ C bentonite clay, and a splash of raw apple cider vinegar
Breast milk (not recommended for use with a yeasty rash due to sugar)
@adelnaturalcosmetics diaper cream
PURELYPARSONS15 for 15% off
Baby balm
from Earthley - PURELY10 for 10% off
Calendula salve
from @bearroots_homestead - PURELYPARSONS for 20% off
Tallow balm
from @touchoftallow or @primallypure
Yeast Rash
For a suspected yeast rash (usually more red/inflamed, or not resolved with normal measures), you can make a simple spray of 8oz filtered water to 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and apply after each diaper change, allowing it to dry completely before replacing the diaper.
This is not medical advice, and you should always do your own research and consult a trusted health care source for any questions or concerns.
My baby still has a yeast rash 3 weeks later and I've been doing the acv and earthly no more yeast salve. Is there anything else I could do?